Monday, July 5, 2010

New Antidote and Blahm3 is BACK !

Hey i am back if you are wondering where i was well..
I was in a car Accident i have 2 cracked ribs sprianed arm and my leg is sore too..
But anyways i am back so thats most important !
I am back on a good day ANTIDOTE is out now !
So yay they are a lot better than last and didn't we think they went away from
starplaza please comment :)


  1. Thanks :) any thoughts on the antidote ?

  2. Oh sorry yet i bought a number of stuff but i still think that the first collection of it was the best : )

  3. sorry 2 hear that i can never afford any good stuff its cool though :(

  4. Omg I am so sorry :o
    That must hurt like hell..

    I lov ethe headbands.. I was lucky so I was online when the shop arrived yay I bougth both headbands.. shoes are gorgeous.. and I like just one dress...

    Other clothes are just copies of copies of copies...

  5. oh my god! I'm so sorry to hear that D:
    I hope you're doing okay!

    I liked a few of the things from antidote, but I wasnt SS so I couldn't buy :p
